My Story
Fashion and art have been a huge source of joy for me since I was very young. But they weren’t topics I was really allowed to love—they weren’t serious enough, meaningful enough. Trying to look beautiful was for people who were superficial and self-absorbed. So I set out to live my life to appease those voices. I did all the right things. I got good grades. I spent my summers babysitting and going on volunteer trips. I wore modest, nondescript clothes. I slipped further and further away from myself and from things that brought me life.
In college, while in the throes of an eating disorder, I took my first Women’s Studies class, and all of sudden these pieces of my life made sense. The pressure I felt to be small and make everyone happy was because I was living in an oppressive, patriarchal culture. Having language and context was really helpful, but not quite enough to get me to freedom. The journey that followed included months in eating disorder treatment, years of chronic illness, a lot of tears, and a lot of searching for real answers.
I finally got to a healthy place emotionally and physically, but then had two babies! I felt like my life had blown up and I was back to hating my body and not feeling like myself. During this time, I was able to finally say outloud to myself and those around me that what I really care about is fashion, style and beauty. I want to make the world more beautiful. That’s what gives me life.
So I’ve been doing that! I have never felt this whole and purposeful in maybe forever. It has been incredible to witness clients become more alive, grow in confidence, and claim more space in the world through our work together.

My Mission
This isn’t just about looking good, it’s about healing ourselves and healing the world by being ourselves. When we take up space and live as our truest, most embodied selves, we help make the world safer for others to do the same. We become a catalyst for healing. When you see something beautiful, it inspires you. It changes you. What if every day all day long we were surrounded by people who embodied their own unique beauty? That would be an amazing world to live in. I want to help create that.